In honor of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (January 20), I want to tell you a true story.
My friend Cassandra was pregnant—with twins. They were eagerly anticipated, and already named.
At three months along, Cassandra got a call at work. A nurse was informing her that it appeared that the babies were going to be born with Down syndrome.
My friend was stunned. Twins would be a challenge, Down syndrome would be a challenge—but all together? She called a cousin and they began to pray. Her cousin first thanked the Lord for the babies. “Lord, we are going to love these children, and we know you do too,” Cassandra remembers their saying to Him.
“What I needed was love,” she says now. “If I had love for these children, it didn’t matter what they had or didn’t have; I could face the future. My cousin’s prayer was just what I needed. I told Him, ‘Lord, we are here for your plan.’”
I can only imagine Cassandra’s thoughts and emotions as she drove to an appointment to discuss the news with her doctor. Her husband came too, wiping away tears as he did…